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Senderismo con Do It Madeira

Hemos desarrollado un nuevo concepto en Madeira, especialmente diseñado para senderistas autónomos que disfrutan de la libertad de caminar a su propio ritmo. Combinamos nuestros talentos en turismo y transporte para ofrecerte un servicio de 5 estrellas, basado en una experiencia increíble.

Nuestro objetivo es explorar lo mejor de la isla de Madeira, proporcionando traslados económicos a los lugares más asombrosos. Supongamos que deseas hacer una caminata y no quieres llevar tu propio transporte o no necesitas un guía… Aquí es donde podemos ayudarte.

Estamos preparados con un equipo de 10 personas y podemos recibir hasta 110 huéspedes por día. Nuestros conductores son expertos, habilidosos y apasionados por su isla, verdaderos locales.

Actualmente, ofrecemos varias opciones de caminatas autoguiadas en Madeira:

– Caminata al amanecer de Pico do Arieiro a Pico Ruivo
– Caminata matutina de Pico do Arieiro a Pico Ruivo
– Caminata Caniçal UNESCO – Vereda Ponta São Lourenço
– Caminata Levada 25 Fontes & Risco
– Caminata Levada Caldeirão Verde
– Caminata de Ribeiro Frio a Portela, Levada do Furado

Para reservar una caminata con nosotros, el proceso es muy sencillo: solo tienes que ingresar a nuestro sitio web en y elegir la caminata que te interese. La reserva tomará alrededor de 1 minuto. Para más información, nuestro número de WhatsApp es +351964449421 y está disponible de 9:00 a.m. a 9:00 p.m. todos los días.

Es importante mencionar que recogemos a todos los huéspedes en su alojamiento, si se encuentra en las áreas de Funchal y Caniço (si el alojamiento no es accesible en coche/furgoneta, enviaremos un punto de encuentro cercano).

Caminatas Guiadas

Caminata autoguiada al amanecer de Pico do Arieiro a Pico Ruivo y Achada do Teixeira – 10 km


Esta caminata conecta dos de los picos más altos de la isla de Madeira: Pico Ruivo (1862 metros), Pico das Torres (1850 metros) y Pico do Arieiro (1818 metros). Atraviesa parte del macizo montañoso central, una zona integrada en la red Natura 2000.

Aspectos destacados:

– Rodéate de belleza natural mientras caminas de montaña en montaña.
– Visita miradores increíbles como Escalera al Cielo, Ninho da Manta, Mirador Juncal, Pico do Gato, Pedra Rija, entre otros.
– Disfruta de un traslado fiable y conveniente de puerta a puerta para asegurar una caminata divertida.
– Haz senderismo por el sendero natural más popular de la isla de Madeira.
– Admira los paisajes locales y las pequeñas comunidades que cruzas en el trayecto.

Información de la caminata:

– Duración: 5 horas
– Extensión: 10 km
– Punto de partida: Pico do Arieiro (1818 m)
– Punto final: Achada do Teixeira (1600 m)
– Elevación máxima: 1862 m (Pico Ruivo)
– Elevación mínima: 1548 m

Información del traslado:

– Capacidad: 8 personas
– De la ciudad a Pico do Arieiro: 1,5 horas de media
– De Achada do Teixeira a la ciudad: 1,5 horas de media
– Límite de recogida/devolución: Exclusivamente en las áreas de Funchal y Caniço.

No apto para:

– Niños menores de 16 años
– Personas con problemas de espalda o movilidad
– Personas con problemas cardíacos o respiratorios
– Usuarios de sillas de ruedas
– Personas con vértigo o miedo a las alturas
– Personas con cirugías recientes o bajo nivel de condición física
– Personas mayores de 70 años

Caminata autoguiada Levada Rabaçal 25 Fontes & Risco – 10 km


Experimenta una caminata diferente, a tu propio ritmo. Con recogida y devolución en tu alojamiento*, disfruta de una caminata autoguiada y visita una de las rutas más famosas de Madeira: 25 Fontes y Risco. Nuestras rutas permiten “evitar las aglomeraciones” y tener el sendero casi para ti en las primeras horas.

Aspectos destacados:

– La cascada parece como si 25 arroyos se derramaran desde lo alto del acantilado en una gran piscina.
– Adéntrate en la singularidad del bosque Laurisilva.
– Disfruta de una increíble caminata por una “levada”, un canal de agua reconocido a nivel mundial.

Información de la caminata:

– Duración: 5 horas
– Extensión: 10 km
– Punto de partida: Aparcamiento 25 Fontes
– Punto final: Aparcamiento 25 Fontes
– Elevación máxima: 1300 m
– Elevación mínima: 1000 m

Caminata autoguiada Caldeirão Verde Levada – 15 km


Camina a tu ritmo en una caminata autoguiada en Caldeirão Verde. Explora el increíble bosque Laurisilva y un sendero místico a lo largo de un canal de agua, rodeado de verdes paisajes y hermosas cascadas.

Aspectos destacados:

– Relájate con un servicio de traslado conveniente desde tu alojamiento.
– Visita el hermoso Parque Natural de Queimadas y disfruta de una caminata.
– Descubre diferentes hitos naturales y cruza 4 túneles.

Información de la caminata:

– Duración: 5.5 horas
– Extensión: 15 km
– Elevación máxima: 1030 m
– Elevación mínima: 850 m

Si deseas más detalles sobre otras caminatas o rutas, no dudes en contactarnos. ¡Te esperamos en Madeira para una experiencia inolvidable!

We have developed a new concept in Madeira, specially designed for Self Guided Hikers that enjoy freedom when hiking and walking at their own pace. We merge our talents in Tourism and Transportation to provide you a 5 star service, based on an incredible experience.

We are all about exploring the best of Madeira Island, providing budget transfers to the most amazing places. Let’s say you want to experience a hike and you don’t want to take your own transport or don’t want to a guide… This is where we can help you.

We are prepared with a team of 10 people and can accommodate up to 110 guests per day. Our drivers are experient, skilled drivers, passionate about their island, true locals.

At this moment, we have several options for Self-Guided hikes in Madeira:

Sunrise Hike Pico do Arieiro to Pico Ruivo
Morning Hike Pico do Arieiro to Pico Ruivo
Caniçal UNESCO Hike – Vereda Ponta São Lourenço
25 Fontes & Risco Levada Hike
Caldeirão Verde Levada Hike
Ribeiro Frio to Portela, Levada do Furado Hike

In order to book a hike with us, the process is very easy: You just need to enter our website, via and choose the hike you are interested in. The booking will take about 1 minute. For further information, our Whatsapp number is +351964449421 and operates from 9-00am to 9.00pm daily.

It’s important to mention that we pick up all guests at their accommodation, if located in Funchal and Caniço areas only (if an accommodation is not accessible by car/van, we weill send a close meeting point.


Sunrise Self-Guided hike Pico do Arieiro to Pico Ruivo and Achada do Teixeira – 10km


This hike connects two of the highest peaks of Madeira Island, Pico Ruivo (1862 meters), Pico das Torres (1850 metres) and Pico do Arieiro (1818 metres). It crosses a part of the Central Mountain Massif, an area integrated in the Natura 2000.


Surround yourself with natural beauty as you hike from mountain to mountain

Visit incredible viewpoint such has Stairway to Heaven, Ninho da Manta, Miradouro Juncal, Pico do Gato, Pedra Rija, Casaco do abrigo do Pico ruivo, Achada do Teixeira

Secure a reliable and convenient door-to-door transfer to ensure a fun hike

Enjoy a morning trek along the most popular natural trail on Madeira Island

Hike up to Pico do Arieiro and Pico Ruivo, the tallest mountains on the island

Admire the local scenery and the small communities you pass from the car


Hike at your own rhythm on a self-guided trek in Madeira with pick-up and dropoff at your accommodation. Explore Pico do Arieiro to Pico Ruivo, for the sunrise or a later morning schedule. View unique landscapes between Madeira’s highest mountains (up to 1862 m). Get picked up at your accommodation with a shared transfer (up to 8 guests per van) and head to the 2nd highest mountain, Pico do Arieiro.

Get instructions and map explanations from your host along with a schedule. Hike for 5 hours from Pico do Arieiro to Pico Ruivo and then Achada do Teixeira (10 km).

Hike information:

• Duration: 5 hours

• Extension: 10 km

• Starting point: Pico do Arieiro (1818 m)

• Ending point: Achada do Teixeira (1600 m)

• Max elevation: 1862 m (Pico Ruivo)

• Min elevation: 1548 m

Transfer information:

• Capacity: 8 people

• From the city to Pico do Arieiro: average 1.5 hour • From Achada do Teixeira to the city: average 1.5 hour

• Pick-up/Dropoff limits: Funchal and Caniço areas exclusively

Not suitable for:

Children under 16 years

People with back problems

People with mobility impairments

People with heart problems

Wheelchair users

People afraid of heights

People with vertigo

People with respiratory issues

People with a cold

People with high blood pressure

People with recent surgeries

People with low level of fitness

People over 70 years

People with insect allergies

Levada Rabaçal 25 Fontes & Risco Self-guided Hike – 10km


Experience a different perspective on hiking: at your own rythym. With pick up and drop at your accommodation*, enjoy a Self Guided hike and visit the one of the most famous walk in Madeira: 25 Fontes and Risco Levada. Our schedules allow you to “skip the line” and have the path almost to yourself, during the first hours.

“Levadas” are narrow channels of water that make their way through the mountains and translates as “carriageway”. These water channels are irrigation systems. They are developed to distribute water from the wetter regions on the north of Madeira to the drier and sunnier areas of the south where lots of plantations are located. The levadas cover a total distance of about 2500 kilometre from the heart of the Laurissilva forest to the most rocky slopes.


The waterfall looks like 25 little streams are pouring down from the top of the cliff walls into one big pool

Take in the unique Laurissilva forest

Witness an incredible “levada” walk, a singular passage that is recognized worldwide


The guests are picked up at their accommodation to join a shared transfer (up to 8 guests per van), in direction to the 2nd famous hike in Madeira – 25 Fontes in Rabaçal (beggining).

The host will provide hike instructions and map explanation, with schedules. You will have 5 hours to do both paths “25 Fontes” and “Risco”, ending at the cafe – Casa do Rabaçal. The pick up and drop of locations are the same (parking lot).

Hike Information:

– Duration: 5 hours

– Extension: 10 km

– Starting Point: Parking Lot 25 Fontes

– Ending Point: Parking Lot 25 Fontes

– Max Elevation: 1300 m

– Min Elevation: 1000 m

Transfer Information:

– Capacity: 8 people

– From the city to Rabaçal: average 1.5 hour

– From Rabaçal to the city: average 1.5 hour

– *Pick up/Drop off limits: Funchal, central area of Camara de Lobos, Ponta do Sol (center), Ribeira Brava (center), Calheta (center).

Caldeirão verde Levada Self-guided hike – 15km


Hike at your own rhythm on a self-guided trek in Caldeirão Verde. Explore the incredible Laurissilva Forest and mystical trail along a water channel, with green views on one side and stunning waterfalls along the other.

Throughout the hike – total of 15 kilometres – you will cross 4 tunnels: The first is only 20m long but very dark; the second one is about 200m. After the 4th tunnel, the Levada do Caldeirão Verde makes its way to Ribeira Grande. This is also the shortest tunnel of them all.


Relax with a convenient transfer service from your accommodation

Visit the beautiful Queimadas Natural Park and enjoy a hike

Travel into deep and dense nature on a physical outing

Observe a variety of different natural landmarks

Walk the Levada Trail and be amongst ancient trees, greenery, waterfalls, lagoons and beautiful edged landscapes.


Get picked up at your accommodation with a shared transfer (up to 8 guests per van). Arrive at your destination and receive your hike instructions with scheduling and map explanation. The hike is a round trip trail totalling 15 km in length. The starting point will be at Queimadas Park. This hike will take you roughly 5.5-hours to complete. The minimum elevation on this tour is 872-meters whereas the maximum is 1062-meters, so it’s known for no hills or stairs.

Hike Information:

– Duration: 5.5 hours

– Extension: 15 km

– Starting Point: Parking Queimadas

– Ending Point: Parking Pico das Pedras

– Max Elevation: 1030 m

– Min Elevation: 850 m

Transfer Information:

– Capacity: 8 people

– From the city to Queimadas: average 1.5 hour

– From Pico das Pedras to the city: average 1.5 hour

– *Pick up/Drop off limits: Funchal, Machico, São Gonçalo, Santa Cruz, Gaula, Camara de.lobos (center) and Caniço areas onlY

Caniçal UNESCO Self-Guided hike – Sunrise or Morning – 7.5km


Explore the most incredible Natural Reserve of Madeira – PR8 Vereda da Ponta São Lourenço on a self-guided hike. Enjoy a convenient transfer to the start of the trail and get picked up and driven back at the end.


Sunrise Self Guided Hike in the Eastersn point
Hike by the Ocean at all times
Witness the views to Both North and South in simultaneos
Pick up & Drop of Included
4 hours of exploring at your own pace


Hike at your own rhythm, exploring the eastern coast of the Island. It is a peninsula of volcanic origin, mostly made of basalt, but with some limestone sediment formations. At the end of it, there are two islets: Desembarcadouro Islet and Farol Islet. The semi-arid climate and exposure to northern winds explain the low vegetation and the absence of trees in this place, contrasting with the rest of the island. It is classified as a Partial Nature Reserve heritage site, home to rare plants and a diversified fauna.
Get picked up at your accommodation (Funchal, Caniço, Santa Cruz, Machico) with a shared transfer (up to 8 guests per van). Arrive at your destination and receive your hike instructions with scheduling and map explanation.

The hike is a round trip trail totaling 7.5 km in length. This hike will take you roughly 4 hours to complete. The elevation gain is not much and the altitude is around 100 meters sea level. Due to the easy level of hike experience, its family, senior and child friendly.

Hike Information:

– Duration: 4 hours

– Extension: 7 km

– Starting Point: Parking Baia de Abra

– Ending Point: Parking Baia de Abra

– Max Elevation: 100 m

– Min Elevation: 250 m

Transfer Information:

– Capacity: 8 people

– From the city to Caniçal: average 1 hour

– From Caniçal to the city: average 1 hour

– *Pick up/Drop off limits: Funchal, Machico, São Gonçalo, Santa Cruz, Gaula, Camara de lobos (center) and Caniço areas only

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